- We intimate our requirements to you and why we require the same.
- Your relationship manager will guide you as to how and what documents are to be uploaded online.
- The relationship manager will also explain the requirements in detail and answer your queries.
- Once the material and information is uploaded online on our system, our team of experts will work on it diligently covering all the required aspects.
- Whenever there is a requirement your relationship manager will email you the queries that his accounting team might have.
- We ensure that your organisation meets compliance requirements as far as statutory requirements concerning Revenue , Customs, Excise , VAT, PAYE , Companies House etc are concerned.
- Your relationship manager ensures that all committed timelines are met by the team working on your account.
- Through your relationship manager you will have access to our various heads of departments for Accounts, Tax , VAT, Payroll, Bookkeeping, Audit and Admin. You can contact them as and when you have a requirement for the same.